The Madman comics universe begins here-with over 600 pages drawn by legendary comics creator Michael Allred! For the first time, Madman's debut series is presented in color for the ultimate surreal superhero reading experience in a deluxe, oversized, hardcover format.
Volume two collects many of Mike Allred's popular Madman Comics stories including numerous Madman spinoffs and crossovers featuring the Superman/Madman crossover and the Powers/Madman one-shot written By Brian Michael Bendis and drawn By Michael Avon Oeming.
This six-volume Madman universe library edition series collects all of Allred's award-winning Madman universe (a.k.a. the "Madmaniverse") stories in selected reading order for the ultimate Madman fan!
"I read Mike's book and I felt better, like I actually felt good in my heart. Tell me that's not art."-Brian Michael Bendis